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Top Page > List > Visit Ichinokura Co., Ltd. 13-14/January/2024 (2024.1.15 mon)

2024.1.15 mon

Visit Ichinokura Co., Ltd. 13-14/January/2024

Our company recently had the privilege of paying a visit to Ichinokura Co. LTD., a famous Sake producer in Sendai / Japan, on 13th January 2024.  Even if it was Saturday, President Mr.Suzuki, Vice President Mr.Asami and Brand Manager Mr.Nagai welcomed us warmly.

  In collaboration with them, we are exploring the potential of adapting our application, initially created for fishermen to track their catches via blockchain and to issue an e-invoice, to encompass the world of Sake production. The merging of these domains will lead them to elevate the quality of age-old traditions into the future through digital advancement. 

 After the meeting, Mr.Suzuki himself took us to the Sake production area to explain their commitment to the quality and the tradition, especially Toji (Sake producer)’s very careful attention at each single step of process.

Every year on 14th January, there is a Shinto ritual called ‘Hadaka Mairi’, to ask God to give good Sake productivity for upcoming season. Ichinokura team also participated in it.  President Mr.Suzuki and his team showed their strong devotion to the tradition.

 Their 1st try of ‘tradition x digital’ will be presented soon, we QMS are happy to follow and support it.